Glass Replacement

Windows will frequently represent a large percentage of the building envelope, especially on commercial properties. These are significant sources of wintertime heat loss and summertime heat gain. Both add to the costs of operating a building.

Window technology has advanced tremendously in recent years. However, many buildings still have windows that were once cutting edge but are now several generations behind. There are tremendous opportunities for building owners and property managers to upgrade their windows and realize benefits in several areas – financially, aesthetically, and through increased occupant comfort. One emerging technology is Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) where solar power can be harvested, so the window may look traditional, but it is certainly not!

There are many companies that provide window replacement, so why use XtremeAxis for your windows? Our innovative rope access techniques ensure a low footprint and minimal disturbance to the public and your tenants. This means that replacements are done without any road closures or large cranes, in fact – we often complete works without anyone knowing we were even there. Our approach will reduce your installation costs.


701 3 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2P 5R3, Canada

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